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very happy with gitlab-ci

| by jpic | playlabs k8s gitlab
Very happy with GitLab-CI ! However Vagrant/VirtualBox are givin me false positives on high load some times … so we’re starting an r&d; project to do a Vagrant in Python but just for LibVirt and with the purpose of eXtreme performance & stability for development and of course CI as first class citizen ! Interested ? let us know ;) With LOVE

open source software playlabs

| by jpic | python ansible devops playlabs I have just rewritten the README for playlabs, my ansible wrapper command. Note that this software is still in pre-alpha/planning stage and should only be used in production by seasoned haxors. # Playlabs: the obscene ansible distribution DISCLAMER: maybe it even works for you, but that’s far from garanteed so far. I love ansible most of the time, the rest of the time it makes me feel like it deserves better UX. Read More

cli2: unfrustrating CLI for Python automation

| by jpic | python cli2
Sometimes I just want to execute a python callback and pass args/kwargs on the CLI, and not have to define any custom CLI entry point of any sort, nor change any code, typically when automating stuff, cli2 unfrustrates me (pun intended): cli2 yourmodule.yourcallback somearg somekwarg=foo Sometimes I just want to define a new command and expose all callables in a module and I can’t just do it with a one-liner. cli2 unfrustrates me again: Read More

playlabs the obscene ansible distribution

| by jpic | playlabs ansible ci cd Playlabs documentation is now available online ! Playlabs provides a convenient wrapper for the ansible-playbook command and provides a set of ansible roles made to work together, and to orchestrate containers as much as possible and let only network level provisioning happen on hosts themselves, and combines straigthforward ansible patterns to install a docker orchestrated paas infra to prototype products for development to small-size production. Pre-beta state: works for me, but parts are being rewriten independently until it’s clean enough and declared stable, documentation is still in progress and so are tests. Read More
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