Services Blog Français


pytest superfixture design pattern

Ryzom: Replacing templates with Python Components

Django + Snowpack How To = djsnowpack

django-autocomplete-light 3.8.0 release


django-autocomplete-light 3.5.0 jquery moving release

django-autocomplete-light 3.4.1 bugfix release

django-autocomplete-light 3.4.0 release

yourlabs django decision

sphinx napoleon: support for numpy and google

pyfront: Meteorish django responsive frontend

how django front end validators works

Yourlabs playlabs

python overtakes javascript as most questioned language

Django & JS research report

nerdocs gdaps


ansible-compose: deploying docker-compose files over bare ssh

yourlabs/python container adds security audit tools


tri.form: ALternative to Django forms

Automatic test rewrite for django-dbdiff/django-responsediff/cli2



open source software playlabs

djcli 1.1 screenshot

cli2: unfrustrating CLI for Python automation

crudlfap live example on replit

talks details: pyparis 2018

Django webpack loader

djcli: cli crud for django demo


clitoo: make your python callbacks work in CLI too !

DevOps since 2005: a  retrospective

factory dry patterns crudlfap documentation

Process controller

jet back office totally ready to run your

crudlfa 0.5.0 g drive ish design

clilabs 1.1.1 release

djcli: the new Django automation CLI command

Extreme devops

playlabs: 30 seconds overview

PlayLabs: the Obscene Ansible Distribution, long version

Django tests that write themselves

Django collectdir

django-autocomplete-light 3.3.2 release

Jack Daniels writes to python language programers

django-autocomplete-light 3.3.1 release

Structlog documentation

djcall 0.0.5 release

Django-autocomplete-light 3.3.0 release

yourlabs django uwsgi spooler

django 2.1 released

nagare integrated development environment nagare

CHIP: a python's functional implementation of ReactJS

Pip exception TypeError: parse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transport_encoding'

breve demonstration de certains des developpements


the ultimate guide to data classes in python 3.7

Put a nextjs server in front of django

open source software djnext

Screenshots from a backoffice using crudlfa+

indietypdjango automated logging

still finishing crudlfa framework for django 2.0

deploying scalable django app on kubernetes

CRUDLFA+ 0.3 Series



Django adapters

Model in Django: not what you think they are


django-adapters audit writeup

going isomorphic with python and react

victory on javascript lets build another django

Djangonauts: Say no to selenium drug

Django settings refactoring apps

django-dbdiff 0.7.3 release

DAL 3.3.0-rc3 release

django-autocomplete-light 3.3.0-rc1

get_context_data() considered harmful

WDB: the improbable web debugger for Python

Getting generic views to support “fake” models

YourLabs Business Service is born

What does the CRUDLFA+ acronym stands for ?

django==2.0a1 released

CRUDLFA+ 0.1.1 Video Demo

Rethinking Django’s URL Router

DAL 3.2.6 Release

django-autocomplete-light 3.2.4

django-autocomplete-light 3.2.3 release

DAL 3.2.2: Django 1.11 support

Welcome Erik Telepovský as new release manager for django-session-security

django-session-security 2.5.0 release

Navigation Autocomplete with jquery-autocomplete-light

Django: status of 1.11

Django-autocomplete-light 3.2.0 release

django-responsediff 0.7.1 released

yourlabs-security mailing list

django-session-security 2.4.0 release

django-responsediff 0.7.0 release

django-autocomplete-light 3.1.7 release

django-cities-light 3.3.0 release

DAL 3.1.6 release

django-autocomplete-light 3.1.5 release

django-autocomplete-light 3.1.3 release

django-dbdiff 0.6.0 release

django-autocomplete-light 3.1.2 release

Porting ModelForm enhancements from django-autocomplete-light v2 to Django

django-autocomplete-light v3: what’s going on

django-responsediff 0.3.0

Visual Python Profiler

django-jet: modern admin template

django-autocomplete-light 3.0.0 release

Syntax highlighting for Django’s SQL query logging

django-autocomplete-light 2.3.3 release

Automatic fixtures for HTTP Response assertions

django-autocomplete-light 2.3.0 release

Django database testing

django-cities-light 3.2.0 release

django-session-security 2.3.x releases

Django 1.9 support for Django-autocomplete-light

django-autocomplete-light 2.2.0 release

django-autocomplete-light 2.2.0rc1 release notes

Scripted Cache AnyThing - HTTPS included - in Python with mitmproxy

Scripted MITM AnyThing in Python with mitmproxy

django-cities-light 3.1.0 release

Speed up your travis-ci builds with container based infrastructure

yawd-admin: brilliant django admin responsive theme

Django 1.7 Release !

django-cities-light 2.3.1 released

Django 1.7 new feature: AppConfig

RuntimeError: Failed to shutdown the live test server in 2 seconds. The server might be stuck or generating a slow response.

Interresting Python and pip behaviour with Python 2 and 3 compatible packages

Django 1.5.4 security release

Using bootstrap and less css in django

Automatic updates for commits made with GitHub code editor

New cool django-admin themes

Django 1.7 might have schema alteration super powers

Partition your data with django-parting

PyCon 2013 videos are online !

Enable global site packages in an existing virtualenv

There's no magic: virtualenv for beginners

Jedi-vim/rope takes too long source code is now open !

Using to test Django applications with LiveServerTestCase

django-smarter: the CRUD app I've been waiting for

Fantastic python code auto-complete: jedi

Using rst for documentation on both GitHub and Sphinx/RTFD: code-block tip

PythonAnywhere: free and awesome Django web host

Testing django signals properly

Design patterns in Python

django-autocomplete-light 1017 released

Never hardcode absolute paths

How to see exception stacktraces with django LiveServerTestCase

Free services you can use to make a great python app

Automatic virtualenv activation

Distro-agnostic craftman’s guide to python environment management

How to override a view from an external Django app

Django, Pinax, virtualenv, setuptools, pip, easy_install and requirements.txt

They trust us

