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Django & JS research report

| by jpic | python django best-practice npm nodejs js
This article aims to report the current state of research about dealing with both JS and Django, for people that aim to primarly deal with Django and enjoy the same workflow they have with python package with their frontend development, and find patterns to connect them while keeping them loosely coupled at whatever limit feels right for them. Nuff said, let’s hack ! crudlfap relies on django-webpack-loader, which does its job very well. Read More

nerdocs gdaps

| by jpic | python django best-practice GDAPS - Generic Django Apps Plugin System Awesome app by Christian González, undergoing research & development for frontend framework plugin EPIC !!! This is the README so far: This library allows Django to make real “pluggable” apps. A standard Django “app” is reusable (if done correctly), but is not really pluggable, like being distributed and “plugged” into a Django main application without modifications. CAVE: This software is in a very early development state. Read More


| by jpic | python yaml bash Sh and Yml had a baby : ShYml.

ansible-compose: deploying docker-compose files over bare ssh

| by jpic | python devops ansible docker docker-compose
In kubernetes, we have the joy of applying configuration directly from maintainer repositories: kubectl apply -f https://raw.github.../setup.yml This allows each repository to maintain its own infrastructure configuration as code, and maintaining a core devops framework in between. You will have to deal with particular credentials, that you should use something else to generate and so on. On the other side of internet, happy docker-composers are also having a lot of fun maintaining them in repositories they contribute to. Read More

yourlabs/python container adds security audit tools

| by jpic | gitlab-ci security python gitlab best-practice
The new version of yourlabs/python docker image, which bundles npm and pip3 on alpine and a bunch of testing tools, was released with bandit and safety baked in. You can benefit from it in your Open Source software by adding .gitlab-ci.yml: py-sec-bandit: image: yourlabs/python script: bandit -v -x commands,tests {posargs:-r src} py-sec-safety: image: yourlabs/python script: safety check


| by jpic | python Find str.join boring ? Try mapjoin ^^ Have a great day ;)

tri.form: ALternative to Django forms

| by jpic | python django An alternative to django forms that works with django models and offers a lot of unfrustrating features, tri.form by Anders Hovmöller. Make sure that you also take a look to all their other apps which are pretty interesting !

Automatic test rewrite for django-dbdiff/django-responsediff/cli2

| by jpic | python django best-practice tdd
Still in the competition for most code coverage with least test code that is written manually and needs to be maintained manually, all our test autowriting software has been updated to support a new environment variable : FIXTURE_REWRITE. Instead of deleting fixtures manually to regenerate them by running the tests, you can now just run your tests with the FIXTURE_REWRITE env var. This will overwrite the fixtures and make the tests look like it passed. Read More


| by jpic | python continuous-delivery best-practice If you’re unhappy with the current state of your, you should definitely try setupmeta by famous haxor Zoran Simic. I’ve been upgrading my to setupmeta, which gives me 10 times more useful features than the crappy script I had in my delivery pipelines, and I’m going directly with setupmeta for all new packages. So far, we have at least the following packages with setupmeta (probably more): - cli2 - shyml - djcli - crudlfap - playlabs Even if you don’t maintain python packages, I highly recommend that you check setupmeta because it’s really well thought of. Read More
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