It’s my pleasure to announce the official birth of our new company, YourLabs Business Service. This company will work in conjunction with the YourLabs foundation and of course sponsor the Django apps ecosystem.
We are hiring freelancers to:
This is a 99% remote position, or 100% if you want to miss all the parties and conferences we’ll setup or join, but it’s not a full time job, yet, rather a paying side project for things you probably already do.
This company is not like anything you’ve seen so far, it comes from the future, where you can work where, when and how you want: it’s not like in other companies where management will get in your way or just be absent.
We extremely value pair programing, and other practices from eXtreme Programing and Agile. You will never have to work alone on a task: you will always be invited to pair program.
See my talks on Agile, DevOps, and the likes, I don’t “believe” it works, I know it works, I’ve proven it in the past, and will keep on doing so.
With <3
Jamesy aka jpic