django-cities-light 3.2.0 was released, supporting Django 1.7 to 1.9 now, even though older versions should still work, they aren’t tested anymore.
- #105: Drop LazyProgressBar, patch was accepted upstream by
Max Arnold,
- #104: Better feature code filtering by Max Arnold and Michael Gulev,
- #100, #96: The mystery about migrations appearing in some
environments but not others has been solved: it was due to the
presence of
in migration files. A new test was added to fail if
django wants to create new migrations in any environment.
- Phone number was required to create a country, it’s not anymore.
- Support Django 1.7 to 1.9, thanks Georgy Kutsurua for helping,
- Support for 1.7 will drop when 1.10 is released, unless someone
contributes compatibility in cities_light options declaration,
- Bugfix in import: some search names would not be generated in some
cases due to unpredictability of the iteration order on
- Test with django-dbdiff are much faster than importing the whole data
- Tox for testing, coverage