In this article we’ll explore a gotcha with Python 2 and 3 support on the long run, using Selenium as an example.
Selenium is an automated testing tool enabling the tests to control a temporary browser GUI - Firefox by default. You can use it to automate functional testing.
Selenium 2.37 had Python 2 and 3 support. But a little before the 2.38 release, some non-Python3-compatible code was commited. This was released in selenium 2.38 and the package was still registered as Python3-compatible.
So, installing selenium looked like this:
$ pip install selenium
Downloading/unpacking selenium
Downloading selenium-2.38.1.tar.gz (2.5MB): 2.5MB downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package selenium
Installing collected packages: selenium
Running setup.py install for selenium
File "/tmp/foo/lib/python3.3/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/firefox/firefox_profile.py", line 226
print "(skipping) failed to json.loads existing prefernce:", matches.group(1), matches.group(2)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Successfully installed selenium
Cleaning up...
It is interesting to note that:
But of course, running that selenium version on Python 3 would fail ie. with:
ImportError: No module named 'httplib'
What happens is that pip doesn’t know that this file is supposed to byte-compile to Python 3: pip allows to have Python 2 or 3 specific files in a package. Also, we’re lucky to have a comment by one the world’s top pip experts Donald Stufft on this page (scroll down to read it).
As for Selenium, it’s a story that ends well: Luke Inman-Semerau, contributed Python 3 support is back in Selenium 2.38.3.
FTR, upgrading to selenium 2.38.3+ is as easy as usual:
pip install -U selenium
And I’ll use this opportunity to thank all the Selenium and Pip contributors, keep up the good work !