This article demystifies deployment of Python applications on any unix flavor. It’s distro agnostic approach is possible by a pragmatic use of each layer of a standard python application.
This article targets system administrators and why not python developers as well?
Compiling Python is blazingly easy and fast, particularly for veteran php system administrators !
First things first, to see the compile flags of an existing python installation, the “sysconfig” module can be used:
In [1]: import sysconfig
In [2]: sysconfig.get_config_var('CONFIG_ARGS')
Out[2]: "'--prefix=/usr' '--enable-shared' '--with-threads' '--enable-unicode=ucs4' '--with-system-expat' 'CFLAGS=-march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed'"
Configuring sources from scratch just requires over reading the short —help output, for example:
./configure --enable-unicode=ucs4 --without-cxx --prefix=/tmp
Of course, the —prefix argument is mandatory for proper environment management, for example:
In the last case, it installs the python executable in /tmp/bin, libraries in /tmp/lib/python2.7/ and the initial package path is /tmp/lib/python2.7/site-packages.
With a poor “Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz” dual core, it compiles in 5 minutes.
make -j3 407.45s user 14.88s system 136% cpu 5:09.94 total
Setuptools provides the command line utility to install python package from any sources.
Obviously, it depends on svn to install packages from svn repositories, from git to install from git repositories and so on.
Installation is a no brainer again: downloading and running the egg file is a matter of seconds.
Again, the —prefix option should be used as such:
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.5.egg --prefix=/tmp
There are currently two cool ways to craft an application specific environment with just python and setuptools:
Buildout comes from the Zope tribe of the Python community, it great for very large deployments. Virtualenv is easily usable and is sufficient in most cases, example usage:
# install virtualenv
/tmp/bin/pip install virtualenv
# create an application specific environment
/tmp/bin/virtualenv /srv/your_application/your_application_env
# optionnaly symlink to a generic env path for later automation
ln -sfn env /tmp/your_application/your_application_env
# activate the application specific environment
source /tmp/your_application/bin/activate
Once the virtualenv is activated, anything done in the current python environment affects /tmp/your_application/your_application_env. For example:
It is time to install application specific dependencies:
pip install -r /tmp/your_applications/requirements.txt
It is cool to reduce risk of affecting wrong environments in the console by automating virtualenv activation.
Instead of:
$ cd /tmp/your_application
$ source /tmp/your_application/your_application_env/bin/activate
(your_application_env) $
It is better to just do:
$ cd /tmp/your_application
(your_application_env) $
With this .zshrc:
function cd() {
builtin cd $@;
if [ -f env/bin/activate ]
. env/bin/activate
. ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme
export RPROMPT="$RPROMPT%F{180}${PWD##*/}"