It seems that django admin revamp discussions started again.
Last year, I sent a letter to santa asking for 12 transformers with super laser powers. I waited nicely and then received a little playmobil.
So, here’s my letter to santa this year:
admin css must be in lesscss too, ie. you could override variables.less, widgets that are usable outside the admin should not be in django.contrib.admin, ie. the bootstrap-calendar widget should be usable outside the admin too, ChangeList should be decoupled, and even refactored into 2 separate modules: one for table display like django-tables2 and one for queryset filtering, for models with lots of fields, tabs are a must in the form, views and urls should be “normal”, have a fixed name and arguments instead of name generation, detail view and “read” permission support, per object and per field CRUD permissions,