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Testing SaltStack formulas on Travis-ci

| by jpic | ci saltstack travis-ci

SaltStack is an Open Source DevOp tool to automate administration of a computer (server or desktop) infrastructure, typically but not limited to, developing in-house PaaS. Travis-ci is an Open Source Continuous Integration platform and online-hosted for free for Open Source projects.

This article targets SaltStack formula developers who wants to have CI enabled

  • and of course every SaltStack user should be a formula developer wanting CI.


First things first, we have to test the /pillar.example file located at the top of the formula repository. Unfortunately, it’s not straightforward, I’ve started a discussion on salt-users in case we find a way to improve that.

So, we’ll have to make a test pillar directory. Then, organise a travis configuration file to run our various states and check idempotence.

Setting up the test pillar directory

This is the anatomy of our test pillar directory:

test/pillar   -----------> Pillar used for tests
test/pillar/top.sls  ----> Includes example only
test/pillar/example.sls -> Symlink to /pillar.example

In our case, we’re testing with the /pillar.example file located at the top of the formula repository. The trick here is to include it in a top.sls.

So our test/pillar/top.sls contains:

    - example

And we created the symlink with:

[env] 15/05 2015 02:07:19 jpic@lue ~/work/novapost/rsyncd-formula () 
ln -sfn ../../pillar.example test/pillar/example.sls 


[env] 15/05 2015 02:07:19 jpic@lue ~/work/novapost/rsyncd-formula () 
$ ls -l test/pillar/example.sls
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jpic superadmin 20 May 15 02:07 test/pillar/example.sls -> ../../pillar.example

Now we have a test pillar directory including the example. Don’t forget to add the symlink to your git repo !


Our humble testing plan is to test each state with the example pillar:

  • Run state.show_sls to ensure that it parses properly and have some debugging output,
  • Run state.sls to run the state we’re on,
  • Run state.sls again, capturing output, asserting that ^Not Run: is not present in the output, because if it is then it means that a state cannot detect by itself whether it has to be run or not and thus is not idempotent.


Best practice

Note that we’re not using anything like serverspec or envassert. In most case, it’s not worth mirroring the actual code in test code just for coverage. Rather, I believe that each formula should install and run its healhchecks at the end of each deployment in-place of a serverspec behaviour test.

That’s all folks !

As you can see, we have a proper test matrix set up !

Please let me know if there’s anything we can improve.

They trust us

