In the process of making YourLabs new cloud, I ordered a first dedicated server at online.net. They don’t provide an installer for Arch Linux, but they do provide a “rescue mode” which is at this time Ubuntu 13.04 Live. Boot that and get an Arch Linux install on BtrFS with just one command:
Format /dev/sda
to BtrFS Partionning and install arch linux in subvolumes with just one command:
ansible-playbook -i "yourhostname," -e "hostname=your_host_name" --ask-sudo-pass rescue_reinstall_arch_linux.yml
If you just want to debug your arch root on /dev/sda
through Ubuntu Live,
then this command will make it operationnal in /tmp/root.x86_64/mnt:
ansible-playbook -i "yourhostname," --ask-sudo-pass rescue_mount_arch_linux.yml
# you may chroot /tmp/root.x86_64/mnt on the server now and have a working arch
If you just want to build an Arch Linux
chroot in /tmp/root.x86_64
by default:
ansible-playbook -i "yourhostname," --ask-sudo-pass rescue_arch_linux_chroot.yml
It’s ansible, you can override any variable you find in
with -e 'var=bar'